Nuclear materials control

  1. 2.1

    The course will give the knowledge about NM access control systems, including administrative control, access control and surveillance systems. The course is dedicated to the methods of integration of the physical protection system and control and accounting system.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Basic elements of NM control including nuclear material containment measures: localization, access control, surveillance, detection and response measures.
    • Enhancement of MPC&A system effectiveness by means of integration of system elements.

    Practical exercises

    • NM control in process areas.
    • NM control during transportation.
    • NM transfer with the use of computerized MC&A system.
    • NM control at storage areas.
    • The course is accompanied with videos about TIDs application, PITs at real nuclear facilities, the boundary between nuclear materials control and accountability.

    Potential audience

    Specialists directly involved in NMPC&A activity as well as in its inspection.

    Preliminary training

  2. 2.2

    Training the facility staff authorized to implement Tamper Indicating Device Programs.

    Theoretical lessons

    • TID application in MC&A.
    • Federal and Rosatom TID regulatory documents.
    • TID program elements.
    • Implementation of TID program at a facility.
    • TID types.
    • TID selection.
    • Verification of TID integrity, visual inspection techniques.
    • Inspections and testing of TID programs.

    Practical exercises

    • TID documentation.
    • Procedures of TID application, removal and destruction.
    • Procedures of E-cup TID verification.
    • Detection of TID anomalies and TID documentation inconsistencies.

    Potential audience

    Personnel responsible for TID accountancy, storage, application and control, as well as for MC&A issues.

    Preliminary training

  3. 2.3
  4. 2.4

    Training in bar code system application for NMC&A.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Bar-coding as part of computerized MC&A systems.
    • Symbolics characteristics.
    • Printing of bar-symbols.
    • Basic principles of bar-code reading.
    • Bar-symbols printing quality assessment.
    • Technology of data acquisition by «Intermec» readers.
    • Information exchange in computerized data acquisition systems.
    • Interfaces and codes for data transfer.
    • Use of EasyBuilder for programming terminals (Trakker Antares 2420/2480).
    • Intermec reader programming by EasySet.
    • ICW applications for data exchange in «computer — bar-code reader» system.

    Practical exercises

    • Practical training is conducted in the computer class using special equipment, hardware and software to print bar-code labels and to read the information applied.
    • Printing bar-code labels with Zebra S500, EasyCoder 4420 printers and support codes.
    • Practical scanning.
    • Practical use of bar-code readers.
    • Development and testing of training codes for readers.
    • Use of terminals (Trakker Antares2420/2480), use of data input, MicroBar 9730, programming and practical use.
    • Ethernet <-> Rs232 converter produced by Lantronix: CoBox E2, programming and use in the systems of bar code data acquisition.

    Potential audience

    Specialists responsible for development and application of methods and means of NMC&A bar-coding.

    Preliminary training
