Fundamental course

  1. 1.1

    The general course on the principles and basic requirements of the advanced NMC&A systems - the US system, international system (IAEA), and current Russian NMC&A system.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Basic requirements to all MPC&A system elements (survey).
    • Distinction between the areas of nuclear material control, accounting and physical protection.
    • NMC&A in Russia from the viewpoint of Rostekhnadzor inspectors.
    • Russian MC&A regulatory documents.
    • Destructive and non-destructive measurements for MC&A purposes.
    • Measurement uncertainty origin.
    • Measurement quality control program.
    • Systems of records and reports.
    • Requirements to MC&A computerized systems and data protection.
    • Nuclear materials transfer procedures.
    • Physical Inventory Taking (PIT) procedures.
    • Nuclear materials control (including NM localization, containment and surveillance measures).
    • Integration of MC&A system and Physical Protection System.
    • IAEA experience in MC&A. The Russian NMC&A system upgrading.

    Practical exercises

    • Organization of measurement procedures for Physical Inventory Taking (PIT) and analysis of PIT results for a hypothetical nuclear facility.
    • Organization of NM control at a hypothetical facility including proper methods of arranging protected areas and material balance areas in the facility, location of personnel access control and nuclear material access control devices.
    • The course is accompanied with videos about the solution of «Pu problem» at the Handford site (USA), TIDs application, PITs at real nuclear facilities, the boundary between nuclear materials control and accountability.

    Potential audience

    Experts directly involved in MC&A activity or those who develop the state MC&A system and MC&A systems and/or their elements at sites.

    Preliminary training

    • It is recommended to study the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues».
  2. 1.2

    The course objective is to give the trainess information about the MC&A requirements and procedures in MBAs with NM in the form of items only.

    Theoretical lessons

    • The role of MC&A system, personnel competence and discipline in nonproliferation safeguards.
    • Current Russian MC&A regulatory framework.
    • The state MC&A structure and principles at the nuclear facilities with NM in items.
    • MC&A system arrangement at the facility level. Presentation of a training video about MC&A arrangement at the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant.
    • MC&A requirements to NM transfer. Specific features of NM item transfer.
    • MC&A requirements to PIT performance in MBAs. Specific features of PITs for NM in items. Presentation of the training video «PIT performance at the IPPE storage facility with NM in items».
    • Basic aspects of NDA of NM in items.
    • The experience of NDA use in the course of NM items transfer and PIT procedure at the RMTC NDA laboratory.
    • MC&A bar-code technologies.
    • Statistical methods used in NM items transfer and PIT procedures.
    • TID application for MC&A purposes.
    • NM balance closing in MBAs with NM in items.
    • Accounting and reporting documents processing.
    • Monitoring of MC&A system functioning with NM in items and the methods of its elements performance testing.

    Practical exercises

    • MBA arrangement: selection of the optimum number of MBAs and MBA boundaries at a hypothetical facility.
    • Development of MC&A, PIT and NM transfer instructions at a hypothetic facility.
    • Application of bar-code technologies in the course of PIT of NM in items.
    • Statistical methods used in the course of transfer and PIT of NM in items.
    • TIDs used for MC&A purposes.
    • MC&A elements performance testing, if NM is in items.

    Potential audience

    Specialists from nuclear facilities with MBAs with NM in items.

    Preliminary training

    CD-ROM course «Introduction into MC&A issues».


  3. 1.3

    The course is intended for studying the key MC&A element – PIT procedure.

    Theoretical lessons
    Survey of MC&A fundamentals, MC&A requirements in domestic regulatory documents, PIT status in MC&A, assessment criteria of MPCA& system effectiveness.
    Initial PIT performance and MC&A records.
    PIT planning: starting with the work organization and assignment of responsibilities through the use of computer codes for statistical sampling when planning measurements and processing PIT results.
    Strategy of NM parameters measurements which reveals total or partial defects.
    PIT procedures and their implementation in practice.
    Reconciliation of MC&A records data and PIT results.
    MC&A specific features at facilities with nuclear materials in bulk-form and items.
    Practical exercises
    Development of PIT and NM transfer procedures for a hypothetical facility; initial PIT of conventional nuclear material with the use of weighing equipment, reference materials, computer equipment and TIDs.
    Periodical PITs of NMs subjected to technological processes.
    Detection of NM losses and thefts against measurement uncertainties.
    The course comprises a technical tour to the IPPE with the aim to get familiarized with PIT procedures at BFS facility, videos about MC&A arrangement at Y-12 Plant (Oak Ridge) and PIT performance at Russian nuclear facilities.
    Examples of PIT program and instructions on PIT performance are given.
    Potential audience
    Specialists involved in practical MC&A activity or development of MC&A systems and/or their elements, instructions, procedures.
    Preliminary training
    It is desirable to know the courses:
    1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting.
    CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues».The course is intended for studying the key MC&A element – PIT procedure.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Survey of MC&A fundamentals, MC&A requirements in domestic regulatory documents, PIT status in MC&A, assessment criteria of MPCA& system effectiveness.
    • Initial PIT performance and MC&A records.
    • PIT planning: starting with the work organization and assignment of responsibilities through the use of computer codes for statistical sampling when planning measurements and processing PIT results.
    • Strategy of NM parameters measurements which reveals total or partial defects.
    • PIT procedures and their implementation in practice.
    • Reconciliation of MC&A records data and PIT results.
    • MC&A specific features at facilities with nuclear materials in bulk-form and items.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of PIT and NM transfer procedures for a hypothetical facility; initial PIT of conventional nuclear material with the use of weighing equipment, reference materials, computer equipment and TIDs.
    • Periodical PITs of NMs subjected to technological processes.
    • Detection of NM losses and thefts against measurement uncertainties.
    • The course comprises a technical tour to the IPPE with the aim to get familiarized with PIT procedures at BFS facility, videos about MC&A arrangement at Y-12 Plant (Oak Ridge) and PIT performance at Russian nuclear facilities.
    • Examples of PIT program and instructions on PIT performance are given.

    Potential audience

    Specialists involved in practical MC&A activity or development of MC&A systems and/or their elements, instructions, procedures.

    Preliminary training


  4. 1.3.1

    The course objective is to train the personnel of various nuclear fuel cycle facilities how to perform PIT procedures in practice by means of NM confirmatory measurements with gamma-spectrometric and neutron techniques.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Topicality of MC&A issues in Russia.
    • Introduction into PIT methodology.
    • PIT planning and performance.
    • Adequate procedures and practice, statistical sampling, sequence of actions, anomaly notification, survey of software use to calculate statistical sampling.

    Practical exercises

    • Practical classes are performed in the NDA Laboratories.
    • Performance testing of measurement devices with the use of reference materials.
    • PIT performance (statistical sampling, TID verification, U & Pu identification, weighing, measurement of isotopic composition and mass).
    • Estimation of measurement result confidence, comparison with item passport data.
    • Simulation of defects (NM substitution, partial or total removal, etc.) PIT summarizing.

    Potential audience

    NDA specialists with the knowledge of materials given in courses 1.3, 3.1, 3.3.

    Preliminary training

    It is desirable to know: PIT methodology, NM NDA measurements for MC&A purposes.


  5. 1.4

    The objective of this course is to demonstrate how to assess performance and effectiveness of the NMC&A system and its components.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Survey of MPC&A fundamentals, vulnerability assessment, MPC&A requirements in international and domestic regulatory documents.
    • Goal and objectives of comprehensive NMC&A system performance testing.
    • Criteria of MPC&A effectiveness assessment.
    • Performance testing plans.
    • Performance testing implementation.
    • Documentary recording of results.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of performance testing plans for a hypothetical facility.
    • Development of performance testing procedures.
    • Performance testing.
    • Staff exercises on performance testing.
    • Recording of results.
    • Methodological materials available for the students comprise excerpts from DOE Regulatory Documents on MPC&A quality evaluation.

    Potential audience

    Specialists involved in practical MC&A activity or in developing state and facility MC&A systems.
    Specialists from state authorities and operating organizations who are involved in inspections or upgrading of the Russian MC&A system.

    Preliminary training

  6. 1.5

    The course objective is to give the trainees the detailed information about and practical skills in management of NM accounting documents in the State NMC&A system in the course of NM identification and categorization; measurement (or other determination) of NM mass in operating procedures; periodical confirmation of NM mass during PITs, preparation, maintenance and keeping of operation and accounting documents; preparation of reports by facilities and their procedures of reporting to the FIS.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Introduction into NMC&A aspects.
    • NM accounting role in NM and NW nonproliferation safeguards.
    • MC&A elements and principles.
    • Regulatory framework of SNMC&A system information support.
    • The accounting system structure at the federal, Rosatom and operator levels.
    • NM accounting as the most important MC&A subsystem.
    • NM accounting at the facility level.
    • Computerization of accounting and reporting documentation system at the facility.
    • Accounting system quality assurance at the facility.
    • NMC&A Federal Information System. History of development.
    • Description of NM characteristics.
    • Universal NM reporting system.
    • Formation of reporting documents.
    • FIS and MC&A systems performance testing at facilities.
    • Demonstration and practical exercises of work with report preparation AWSs.
    • Information protection and security in computerized and noncomputerized.
    • MC&A systems at facilities.

    Practical exercises

    • Performance testing of facility NM accounting systems in exercises.
    • Exercises to develop skills in NM description. Examples of how to prepare reporting document for various facilities. Preparation of regular and correction reports. Practical training in how to work with report preparation AWSs.

    Potential audience

    All the specialists involved in practical MC&A activities or in development of MC&A systems, their elements, instructions and procedures, regulatory documents.

    Preliminary training

    1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control and Accounting

  7. 1.5.1
  8. 1.6

    The course is specialized in MC&A requirements and procedures at NPPs with different types of reactors.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Topicality of NMC&A problems in the Russian Federation.
    • Criminal liability for illegal handling of NMs or radioactive materials in the RF.
    • Integrated program of NM containment and security.
    • NMC&A system organization. Main elements of the NMC&A system.
    • NM accounting activity. NPPs in the fuel cycle in terms of NMC&A.
    • Russian NMC&A regulatory documents of the federal level.
    • Survey of NM parameters to be measures at NPPs.
    • Computer codes to determine the amount of U and Pu isotopes in spent fuel.
    • Accountancy principles. Accountancy systems. Operation recording.
    • Criteria of accountancy efficiency.
    • NM accountancy computerization. Computer system requirements.
    • Information safety in the NMC&A system.
    • FIS and its functions. Regulations on NM information transfer to the Concern and FIS.
    • NM control, TID.
    • Bar code technologies and their use to control NM.
    • Basic NMC&A rules and the key NMC&A procedure, i. e. PIT.
    • NMC&A systems in the ROSENERGOATOM Concern and at NPPs with
    • RBMK and VVER-1000 reactors and the ways of their improvement.
    • NMC&A system upgrading at the Kursk and Kalinin NPPs.

    Potential audience

    Specialists from NPPs and «TVEL» and «ROSENERGOATOM» concerns involved in the NMC&A area or those who develop NMC&A procedures for NPPs.

    Preliminary training

    It is recommended to know the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues».
