
  1. 6.1
    Training in conducting effective MPC&A inspections. The course forms the basis for the next courses in this series.
    Theoretical lessons
    MPC&A legal regulations in the Russian Federation.
    MPC&A regulatory activity.
    Inspection planning.
    Effective communication skills.
    Preparation of reports about inspection results and support in elimination of detected violations and drawbacks.
    Inspection of MC&A systems.
    Inspection of Physical Protection Systems.
    Practical exercises
    Data analysis based on technical characteristics of a nuclear facility.
    Organization of inspections at facilities and analysis of inspection results.
    The course is accompanied with demonstration of videos about different issues of inspections.
    Potential audience
    Specialists of state bodies and operators involved in inspection activity.
    Preliminary training
    It is desirable to be acquainted with the course
    1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting.

    Training in conducting effective MPC&A inspections. The course forms the basis for the next courses in this series.

    Theoretical lessons

    • MPC&A legal regulations in the Russian Federation.
    • MPC&A regulatory activity.
    • Inspection planning.
    • Effective communication skills.
    • Preparation of reports about inspection results and support in elimination of detected violations and drawbacks.
    • Inspection of MC&A systems.
    • Inspection of Physical Protection Systems.

    Practical exercises

    • Data analysis based on technical characteristics of a nuclear facility.
    • Organization of inspections at facilities and analysis of inspection results.
    • The course is accompanied with demonstration of videos about different issues of inspections.

    Potential audience

    Specialists of state bodies and operators involved in inspection activity.

    Preliminary training

  2. 6.1.1

    Rosatom specialists will get the basic knowledge and practical skills in Rosatom MC&A status monitoring. The course forms the basis for the next training courses for Rosatom spesialists involved in MC&A status monitoring.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Current legislative framework and regulatory documents (concepts and provisions) to monitor the Rosatom MC&A systems.
    • Goals and objectives of Rosatom MC&A monitoring.
    • Procedures and inspections of:

      • State NMC&A system arrangement and NM management;
      • NM access control measures and accounting and reporting document management;
      • MC&A measurement system;
      • PIT performance;
      • NM transfer procedures and expeditious process accounting.
    • Psychological aspects and factors that impact inspection effectiveness.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of inspection plans for a nuclear fuel fabrication plants, radio-chemical plants and R&I Institutes.
    • Inspection of:

      • reporting and accounting documents at the MBA and facility level;
      • NM transfer documents and correctness of shipper/receiver data consistency evaluation;
      • statistical criteria used for NM confirmatory measurements.
    • Business game: «Which behavior rules should be chosen and followed by the inspector in specific cases».

    Potential audience

    Specialists from Rosatom directorates, facilities, operators who will be involved in MC&A monitoring activity.

    Preliminary training

  3. 6.1.2

    Trainees from Rosatom facilities will get the detailed knowledge of monitoring procedures and gain practical skills in inspecting NM accountability at sites.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Current legislative and regulatory framework for Rosatom MC&A system monitoring.
    • Goals and objectives of Rosatom monitoring.
    • Inspection of NM accountability element structure and arrangement at the facility.
    • Model program and procedures to inspect:

      • accounting and reporting document management and measurement systems;
      • PIT and expeditious accounting;
      • NM transfer;
      • NM accounting computerization.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of inspection plans to check NM accountability at the site (radio-chemical plants, nuclear fuel fabrication plants, R&D Institutes).
    • Detection of anomalies/mistakes in:

      • NM transfer documents and confirmatory measurement protocols;
      • reporting and accounting documents (MBA and facility level);
      • PIT documents.

    Potential audience

    Specialists from Rosatom directorates, facilities, operators who will be involved in MC&A monitoring activity.

    Preliminary training

  4. 6.1.3

    Trainees from Rosatom facilities will get the detailed knowledge of monitoring procedures and gain practical skills in inspecting NM control at sites.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Current legislative and regulatory framework.
    • Goals, objectives and procedures; role of Rosatom monitoring of MC&A system status at the sites.
    • Inspection of access control arrangement in terms of NMs and control system components.
    • Model program and procedures to inspect:

      • TID use at the facility and in MBAs;
      • access control for MC&A documents and data;
      • access control for measurement instruments and NM management equipment;
      • the use of results of NM control systems and access control during PIT procedures;
      • control procedures during NM transfer between MBAs, facilities, sites;
      • expeditious accounting and administrative control.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of inspection plans to check NM control at the facility (radiochemical plants, nuclear fuel fabrication plants, R&D institutes).
    • Detection of:

      • defects/drawbacks when TIDs are applied, verified, removed and disposed;
      • inconsistency between the scope of confirmatory measurements and control measures during NM transfer;
      • inconsistency between the scope of confirmatory measurements and control measures during NM PIT procedures (documents with PIT results and protocols with confirmatory measurement results).

    Potential audience

    Specialists from Rosatom directorates, facilities, operators who will be involved in MC&A monitoring activity.

    Preliminary training

  5. 6.1.4

    The course is meant for the specialists involved in the site selfassessment and control of the MC&A status and for those who are responsible for the evaluation of MC&A status in MBAs and at facilities on the whole.

    Theoretical lessons

    • NMC&A in terms of «safety and security culture».
    • Legislative framework and regulatory documents on the on-site arrangement of NMC&A monitoring by the facility.
    • Goals and objectives of facility monitoring.
    • Planning of facility monitoring.
    • Brief information about the methods of MC&A system element performance testing.
    • Inspection of the system of accounting and reporting documents.
    • Inspection of NM accounting computerization.
    • Brief information about the use of NMC&A statistical methods.
    • Inspection of measurement systems and MC&A quality control.
    • Inspection of access control for NMs, MC&A documents and data, measurement systems and equipment for NM management, NM control system components.
    • Inspection of TID use.
    • Inspection of PIT procedures, NM balance closing, presence of NMs in proper places.
    • Inspection of NM transfer procedures between MBAs, facilities.
    • Inspection of expeditious accounting and administrative control.
    • Inspection of introduction of corrective measures and MC&A system modification plans.
    • Documentation of facility monitoring results and MC&A assessment in MBAs/divisions, at the facility on the whole.

    Practical exercises

    • The trainees will be split into groups with three or four people in each.
    • The objectives and conditions of practical exercises will be specific for each group. Each module of the course will consist of lectures and practical exercises or lectures and exercises on performance testing of an element of the facility MC&A system.

    Potential audience

    Rosatom nuclear facility experts involved or to be involved in the MC&A status monitoring at nuclear facilities, in particular, specialists from MC&A services or the services that are not directly related to the NMC&A system but provide operation of the NMC&A system elements (for example, metrologists can assess the status of measurement quality control), facility administration and management.

    Preliminary training

  6. 6.2

    The trainees study the procedures of MC&A inspection at the facilities with NM in items and bulk form and gain relevant skills.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Facility NMC&A system and its components.
    • Nuclear facilities with NM in items.
    • Nuclear facilities with NM in the bulk form.
    • Accounting, confirmatory and verification measurements.
    • State NMC&A system inspection.
    • Inspection preparation, performance and documentation of results.
    • Specific features of inspections of the facilities with NMs in items and bulk form.
    • Sanctions imposed in the course of inspections.
    • Inspection of PIT procedures, PIT performance and results.

    Practical exercises

    • Exercises in working out inspection reports and protocols of administrative violations.

    Potential audience

    Specialists of state bodies and operators engaged in inspection activity.

    Preliminary training

  7. 6.3
  8. 6.4

    The trainees get the general idea about the use of statistics for NMC&A both by the inspector and by the operator, the skills in the use of statistical methods for Rostekhnadzor MC&A system inspections.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Introduction into MC&A. Statistical criteria in regulatory documents of Russia, US, IAEA.
    • Basic notions of probability theory, statistics. Statistical principles and methods used in NMC&A inspections.
    • Statistical methods used in MC&A system quality inspections, in verification measurements, in the analysis of PIT results and shipper/receiver differences.
    • ID analysis.
    • MUF-D methods.
    • MC&A inspections at fuel cycle facilities, NPPs and research facilities.
    • Advanced ideas in the field of MC&A statistical methods application.

    Practical exercises

    • Development of measurement models.
    • Determination of electronic scale errors.
    • Calculation of random sampling sizes.
    • Calculation of ID and confidence intervals.
    • PIT procedures.
    • Measurements and measurement control in the procedures of conventional NM movements.

    Potential audience

    Specialists of state bodies and operators involved in inspection.

    Preliminary training

  9. 6.5

    The trainees get the general information about the MC&A TID use program and its elements, TID types, procedures of their accountancy, release, application, verification, removal and disposal. They get theoretical knowledge and practical skills in TID use in inspections.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Topical NMC&A tasks.
    • Federal and Rosatom guidelines on TID management.
    • Elements of TID use program.
    • TID types, design, principles of operation.
    • TIDs use in NMC&A inspections.
    • Selection of TIDs for inspection.
    • TID integrity verification techniques.
    • TID accounting and reporting documentation.

    Practical exercises

    • TID documentation.
    • The procedures of TID application, removal and destruction.
    • Verification of TIDs of the small «E-cup» type.
    • Inspection of TID documentation and integrity.
    • Inspector’s actions in response to detection of violations and inconsistencies.

    Potential audience

    Rostekhnadzor specialists and inspectors.

    Preliminary training
