Software engineering
- 5.1
The trainees acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop requirements to MC&A software as the key element in developing MC&A computerized systems.
Theoretical lessons
- Introductory lecture on software requirements analysis.
- Determination of the initial scope of the design.
- Current situation analysis.
- Development of working processes in the future system.
- NMC&A system function analysis; definition of objects, entity analysis, methods and principles.
- Development of technical requirements.
- Solution selection.
- SRS document creation, SRS approval.
- Development of implementation plan.
- Functional point analysis.
- CASE tools demonstration.
Practical exercises
- Stages in developing software requirements to NMC&A for a hypothetical reactor laboratory (functions and processes, development of process hierarchy diagram, determination of types of entities, attributes and identifiers, development of requirement specifications). Exercises.
- The course is accompanied with demonstration of videos prepared by US specialists on different issues of software requirements development.
Potential audience
Programmers, software engineers and other personnel involved in development of computerized MC&A systems and its elements, instructions, procedures as well as in inspection of MC&A systems.
Preliminary training
- 1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting or the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues».
The trainees acquire fundamental knowledge about MC&A software and skills in its development.
Theoretical lessons
- Basic concepts of NMC&A software development.
- Software development standards of international organizations.
- Classical methods for developing object-, data- and data flow-oriented software.
- Database theory fundamentals.
- Sequence of developing databases on the conceptual, logic and physical levels; development of user graphic interfaces.
- NMC&A software testing and test documentation.
Practical exercises
- Stages in developing software for NMC&A for a hypothetical reactor laboratory (methods for facility-, data- and data flow-oriented software; data bases, selection of normal forms, representation in the third normal form).
- The course is accompanied with demonstration of videos on different issues of software development.
- Methodological materials provide detailed description of software development procedures, glossary, extended list of references and Website sources.
Potential audience
Programmers, software engineers, scientists and other personnel involved in development of computerized MC&A systems and its elements as well as in inspections of MC&A systems.
Preliminary training
- 1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting or the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues»,
- 5.1.1 Software Engineering – Requirement Analysis
The trainees acquire knowledge and skills in the implementation of the software developed for MC&A systems.
Theoretical lessons
- NMC&A software quality and software quality standards of international organizations.
- Stages in software implementation:
- user graphic interfaces;
- configuration control;
- built-in and modular testing;
- system testing;
- putting the software into pilot operation;
- maintenance and support;
- retirement.
Practical exercises
- Stages of MC&A software development at a hypothetical reactor laboratory.
- Demonstration of various PC codes for MC&A system.
- The course is accompanied with demonstration of videos about different issues of software development.
Potential audience
Programmers, software engineers, scientists and other specialists involved in development of computerized MC&A systems and its elements, instructions, procedures, as well as in inspections of NMC&A systems.
Preliminary training
- 1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting or the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues»,
- 5.1.1 Software Engineering — Requirement Analysis
- 5.1.2 Software Engineering — Design
The trainees are given the detailed information about the software developed at JRC (Ispra, Italy) and RMTC for the analysis of NM balance including calculation methods.
Theoretical lessons
- Methods of Inventory Difference variance calculations, description of the software developed for training purposes in the JRC, ISPRA (Italy) and RMTC.
Practical exercises
- Lessons are conducted at the MC&A Computerized Laboratory.
- Software demonstration and exercises in the use of software fora hypothetical facility.
Potential audience
Technologists, metrologists, engineers, programmers, scientists engaged in MC&A activity and development of MC&A system elements, instructions, procedures.
Specialists of state agencies involved in inspection activity.Preliminary training
- Higher technical education, University degree.
- 1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting
- 1.3 Physical Inventory Taking (PIT) Methodology
- 4.1 Statistical Methods for NM Control & Accounting (introductory course)
- 4.3 Statistical methods for Inventory Difference (ID) Calculation and Analysis
The trainees are given the detailed information about the software developed at JRC (Ispra, Italy) for scale calibration (WECALSCA code).
Theoretical lessons
- Statistical methods of weighing equipment calibration with reference materials.
- Description of WECALSCA code.
Practical exercises
- Lessons are conducted at the Scale Calibration Laboratory.
- Software demonstration and exercises in WECALSCA code application for calibration of electronic scales Sartorius IS 150 IGP MOCE and Sartorius CC 150 K (comparative) with two sets of reference weight materials.
Potential audience
Technologists, metrologists, engineers, programmers, scientists engaged in the use of scales in MC&A systems.
Preliminary training
- 1.1 Fundamentals of Nuclear Materials Control & Accounting or the CD-ROM course «Introduction into NMC&A issues»,
- 1.3 Physical Inventory Taking Methodology