Specialized courses

  1. 7.1

    The objective of the course is to inform managers and leading specialists of facilities about the current structure of SNMC&A regulatory base and the scope of disciplines offered at the RMTC and other training centers to make the decision about MC&A training of specialists.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Topicality of MC&A tasks in terms of NM and NW nonproliferation and nuclear culture sustainability.
    • Criminal liability for inadequate NM management at facilities.
    • Three state NMC&A systems: for civil application (SNMC&A system), for military application and for radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
    • Current NM&A regulatory framework.
    • NP-030-19 Document in comments.
    • NMC&A system structure (subsystems and elements). Requirements to NMC&A systems, subsystems and elements at facilities.
    • Rosatom and site-specific monitoring of the facility MC&A status.
    • NMC&A elements performance testing techniques at facilities.
    • Survey of Rostekhnadzor NMC&A guiding and regulatory documents.
    • Current experience of inspecting NMC&A systems at facilities.
    • Comparative analysis of Russian and foreign NMC&A systems.
    • Problems in Russian NMC&A system upgrading.
    • Future development of NMC&A regulatory framework.
    • Information for managerial personnel about the scope of disciplines offered by the RMTC and other training centers, that is useful for making decisions about NMC&A training of specialists from different facilities.

    Practical exercises

    • Organization of NMC&A subsystems at a hypothetic facility.
    • The course is supported with the video about the solution of «plutonium problems» at Handford site (USA).

    Potential audience

    Managers from facilities, production sites, NMC&A divisions, services and leading specialists involved in development of site-specific NMC&A systems or their elements at facilities.

    Preliminary training

  2. 7.2

    The course is meant for the above-stated specialists and contains the entire scope of information required to organize, perform and improve the MC&A procedures at the MBA level.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Interaction of control and accounting systems for NM, radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
    • The MC&A and human factor role in nonproliferation safeguards.
    • Current Russian MC&A regulatory framework.
    • The facility-level MC&A system structure, elements and principles.
    • Accounting system arrangement at the facility.
    • MC&A measurement system at the facility.
    • Planning and performance of scheduled and unscheduled PITs at the facility.
    • NM balance closing in MBAs.
    • Technologies of collecting and processing the data for FIS reporting.
    • MC&A computerization.
    • TID application for MC&A purposes.
    • Typical drawbacks in the state MC&A system. Experience of agency- and facility-level inspections.

    Practical exercises

    • MC&A Culture.
    • MC&A arrangement at the facility.
    • NM balance closing.
    • TID application in the MC&A system.

    Potential audience

    MBA managers and their deputies.

    Preliminary training

    • Basic knowledge of: MC&A systems, PIT methodology, NDA measurements, document management.
  3. 7.3

    The trainees acquire knowledge and skills in NM accountability procedures and control methods required for the given category of specialists with the aim to adequately perform their functions and duties.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Interaction of control and accounting systems for NM, radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
    • The MC&A and human factor role in nonproliferation safeguards.
    • Current Russian MC&A regulatory framework.
    • The facility-level MC&A system structure, elements and principles.
    • PIT preparation at the facility.
    • Accounting system arrangement at the facility and introduction into computerized accounting.
    • Accounting document management.
    • Technologies of collecting and processing the data for FIS reporting.
    • Bar-code technologies.
    • The role of materially responsible officials in MC&A processes at the MBA level.
    • Control over NM transfer.
    • TID application for MC&A purposes.
    • Typical violations of responsible officials and custodians in NM control and accounting.

    Practical exercises

    • The procedures of NM receiving, shipping, entry into and removal from the account.
    • Maintenance of data accounting, collection and processing.
    • Bar-code technologies in the MC&A system.
    • TID application for MC&A purposes.

    Potantial audience

    Materially responsible officials, NM custodians.

    Preliminary training

    • Basic knowledge of MC&A systems, PIT methodology, access control systems.
  4. 7.4

    The course gives detailed information about the requirements to PIT procedures, from PIT planning to balance closing and documentation of results.

    Theoretical lessons

    • Interaction of control and accounting systems for NM, radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
    • The MC&A and human factor role in nonproliferation safeguards.
    • Current Russian MC&A regulatory framework.
    • The PIT role in the MC&A system. MC&A system arrangement at the facility level.
    • Facility-level regulatory document requirements to PIT procedures in MBAs.
    • Periodical (scheduled) PIT plans at the facility. Presentation of the training video «NM PIT performance at the IPPE storage facility».
    • Scheduled and unscheduled PIT performance at the facility. DA and NDA used in the course of PIT procedures (through the examples of a radiochemical production site with NM in its bulk form and the RMTC NDA laboratory with NM in items). Presentation of the training video «NM PIT performance at the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant».
    • Bar-code technologies in the MC&A systems.
    • Statistical methods used for PIT procedures.
    • TID application for PIT procedures.
    • NM balance closing in MBAs of various facilities.
    • Basic analysis of inventory difference (ID) statistical significance.
    • Documentation of PIT results.
    • Typical PIT drawbacks.

    Practical exercises

    • Application of bar-code technologies in the course of PIT procedures.
    • MBA arrangement: selection of the optimum number of MBAs and MBA boundaries at a hypothetical facility.
    • Development of PIT instructions for MBAs at a hypothetical facility.
    • Application of TIDs in the course of PIT procedures.
    • Statistical methods used in the course of PIT procedures.
    • Material balance closing and analysis of ID statistical significance.
    • Maintenance of accounting and reporting documents.
    • The trainees will be divided into groups, with three-four people in each.
    • Exercises and practical tasks will be formulated for each group individually.

    Potential audience

    PIT commission members, specialists participating in PIT preparation and performance.

    Preliminary training

  5. 7.5
  6. 7.6

    Theoretical lessons

    • Topicality of NMC&A tasks and importance of NMC&A personnel awareness and discipline for nonproliferation safeguards.
    • The role of authorized specialists (engineers) responsible for accounting, the list of their main functions, skills and scope of knowledge required to perform their duties.
    • The current Russian NMC&A regulatory framework. NMC&A arrangement at nuclear facilities. NM inventory control procedures.
    • Characteristics of MC&A anomalies and violations and the ways to detect them.
    • The facility-level principal requirements to MC&A computerization and NMC&A information protection.
    • Principal requirements to NM physical protection.
    • Maintenance of MBA-level reporting and accounting documents. Procedures of NM entry into and removal from account.
    • Procedures for releasing NM to the category of radioactive substances and RAW.
    • Computerized MC&A system operation principles with the use of bar-code technologies.
    • Application of MC&A seals (TIDs).
    • Statistical methods in NM item transfer procedures
    • Reconciliation of accounting (book) and actual (physical) data.
    • NMC&A procedures to be used during NM transfer. NM batching requirements.
    • Process accounting control. NM transfer procedures.
    • NM balance closing and ID statistical significance analysis.
    • Preparation of PIT results and statements. Main procedures of MC&A status inspections. Typical deficiencies of the MC&A system functioning at the facilities.
    • The experience of agency-level and facility-level inspections.

    Practical exercises

    • MBA arrangement, determination of the optimum number of MBAs and KMP, and their boundaries.
    • Application of bar-code technologies for NM PIT and transfer procedures.
    • Application of NMC&A seals (TIDs).
    • NM transfer procedures at the hypothetical facility.
    • PIT performance. NM balance closing and analysis of ID statistical significance.

    Potential audience

    Specialists responsible for NM accountancy in MBAs.

    Preliminary training
