Support activities
Methodological Support Activities Which Can Be Provided to Russian Enterprises by The RMTC
The base and capability for this activity is under development. The number of the RMTC experts accumulated necessary knowledge (expertise) and the relevant level of this knowledge is supported by means of their participation in the different of MC&A projects. Mainly this activity is focused on development of guidance for implementation of new federal and Minatom regulations on NMC&A using resources and support under cooperation between US national laboratories and Russian organizations in frame of MPC&A Russian-US Program, and under the TACIS program. As example can be used the contract between the MSZ plant (Elemash, Electrostal) and LANL which is going on the elaboration and implementation of the NDA hand held spectrometer COUPOL based techniques for the control of U-235 content in the solid and liquid wastes and hold-up. The other is the TACIS project on enhancement of NMC&A systems at Russian NPPs.
Main Focuses
The main fields of the methodological activities could be focused on the elaboration and assistance of the facilities in implementation of:
- NDA techniques, methodologies and procedures;
- MC&A procedures and regulations;
- MC&A facilities personal training programs and providing of up-to date training materials;
- Development of Computer Based Training materials for individual training of the personnel.
NDA Methodological Capabilities
- Calibration and testing of the NDA techniques and instruments by means of the sets of the national Reference Materials (RMs) from UO2 and PuO2 powders and few sets of working RMs;
- Conducting of the site workshops of the NDA techniques and instruments;
- Elaboration of the Minatom (branch) Measurement Technique on the Uranium-235 NDA in the hold-up by Gamma Spectrometry method with the «Coupol» instrument;
- Elaboration of the National Measurement Technique on the Uranium-235 NDA in the items by the active neutron coincidence systems;
- Elaboration of the National Measurement Technique on the plutonium NDA in the items by the passive neutron coincidence systems.
Methodological support capabilities on statistics, computerized systems, NM control
- Elaboration of the software for the GAN inspectors on the statistic treatment of the PIV results;
- Elaboration of the procedures and software for the facility MBAs on the statistic treatment of the PIT results;
- Elaboration and distribution of the CD-ROM courses «NMC&A Introduction», «NMC&A Fundamentals», «NDA Fundamentals», «NM Control»;
- Accumulation and distribution of the NMC&A regulations and information.
Other possible RMTC methodological support activities
- Assistance of the facilities in the calibration and testing of the NDA techniques and instruments, tanks and scales;
- Elaboration of the Minatom (branch) Measurement Procedures on the plutonium and uranium-235 NDA in the drums with waste by the neutron coincidence systems;
- Creation of the Databases and Expert System on NMC&A, to make the RMTC as a «centralized repository» of the reference training materials and regulations;
- Expertise of the facility documentation on NMC&A;
- Analysis of the NMC&A facility systems;
- Distance Learning, facilities assistance in the in-site training of their staff;
- Characterization of the national RMs from UO2 and PuO2 powders as international RMs;
- Design, fabrication, certification and reception of the national RMs of VVER-440, RBMK and BN-600 reactor assemblies;
- Fabrication and reception of the Active Collar Counters, Hybrid/K-Edge Densitometer, Active Waste Drum Monitor;
- Creation of the Containment/Surveillance lab.
How to contact RMTC
This support and assistance can be provided to the facility. To contact RMTC and request this technical assistance you can e-mail the Director of RMTC, Boris Ryazanov: or use phone/fax: +7 (084) 399-58-13 or: +7 (084) 399-85-90